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EIT EdTech Conference 2024

23. Januar 2024, 08:30 - 19:00

Logo eit Community

The EIT EdTech Conference brings together key actors from across the education and innovation communities that are key to fostering European EdTech innovation. This very first EIT Community European EdTech event, coordinated by EIT Urban Mobility, gathers Higher Education Institutions, EdTech companies, and representatives of EU Institutions and national governments, to discuss the current state of EdTech in Europe, explore the existing challenges it faces, as well as the opportunities to boost cooperation and support Europe in becoming a global frontrunner in EdTech. Through a distinctive programme that mixes co-creation and ideation sessions with high-level discussions, this event is unique in that it aims at setting future roadmaps to EdTech, designed specifically for the purpose of producing solid outcomes for the years to come and make EdTech Europe’s next success story.

By bringing together the EIT Community and the public and private sectors, this event will be an opportunity to identify synergies and find avenues for further cooperation, by sharing experiences in the use of new technology in education and working together towards concrete outcomes.

The debate will also link to broader policy frameworks and initiatives – such as the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, the Deep Tech Talent initiative – that seek to improve the provision of digital skills and make digital education systems truly accessible and inclusive. Through addressing the role of education, in supporting wider societal goals and transformation, European EdTech will have an invaluable role to play.

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23. Januar 2024
08:30 - 19:00


The EGG Brussels
Rue Bara 175
Bruxelles, 1070
+ Google Karte anzeigen

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