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Innovations in Education Policymaking

20. März 2023, 15:00 - 17:00

Einladung Education Policymakers Network
A breadth of skills approach supports and nurtures all parts of a learner’s development – from literacy and numeracy to social and emotional learning and cognitive skills – but this approach is not yet routine in classrooms or education systems, despite there being a compelling evidence base that shows multiple academic and societal advantages.
In this two part public roundtable discussion members of the Education Policymakers Network will explore new reforms and innovations within and across their respective education systems; drawing on practical case studies from their own contexts.
The Education Policymakers Network connects policymakers from different countries to work, learn and innovate together. Launched in 2021, the network helps support and sustain education reform around the need to develop a breadth of skills – cognitive, creative, physical, social and emotional – in young learners.